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Document:Jewish Refugees Arriving in Australia via Melbourne, 1946-1954
Description: This record was found in a database of Jewish refugees arriving in Australia via Melbourne between 1946-1954. This was indexed through a Project of Jewish Care (Melbourne, Australia) and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2004. The database provides an index of names and available personal data taken from passenger lists sent to the Australian Jewish Welfare and Relief Society in Melbourne 1946 -1954. Before the departure of ships (mostly leaving from Genoa in Italy or Marseilles in France), HIAS and the AJDC mailed a list of Jewish passengers under their sponsorship to the Federation of Jewish Welfare Societies. This enabled family sponsors to be contacted and arrangements to be made for accommodation for those not being met by family. In addition to these shipping lists there are a few lists of refugees who arrived by plane whose fares were paid by family or friends. These lists, along with thousands of personal files relating to requests for landing permits and search requests for missing relatives are stored in the archives of Jewish Care, the major Jewish social service organization in Melbourne, and in the Archives of JDC and HIAS. In 2003 an agreement was drawn up to permit the USHMM to have access to refugee files dating from 1938 for microfilming.
Name:Berta Spanauf
Date of Birth:6/14/1909
Sponsor:Mr. Winfeld
Age on Departure:41
Originating City:Genoa
Ship Name:Surriento